Friday, September 3, 2010

It was another great week here at Oak Hill!  The students are adjusting to the new morning arrival procedures of waiting in the cafeteria everyday and morning assembly today was much smoother - even with the rain.   Eagle of the Day students were recognized as were students with birthdays this week.

My first Principal's Coffee was this morning and almost 40 parents attended.  It was a great opportunity for parents to ask questions and share comments related to Oak Hill.  

The learning happening in the classrooms this week has been quite rigorous.  As I observed a 3rd science lesson, I encounter students using high level science words, working collaboratively with other students, and making connections to previous science lessons in order to define the new vocabulary words.  In a 1st grade classroom, I heard students using the words predicate, which the students informed me meant "the action of the sentence" and noun "the person, place or thing" of the sentence.  During lunch, a 4th grader told me he was writing about his favorite place - the transportation museum in San Antonio!

Have a wonderful weekend,
Dr. Mitchell