Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A couple of weeks ago, the Lego Robotic team competed in a tournament. It was the school’s first competition and although the teams didn’t advance, the scores were quite impressive. A big thank you to Dr. Becher and Mrs. Suggs for their support of the program.

Eventhough it was a short week, rigorous learning was still happening! In Mr. Cumings' class, students had to complete several different science experience. Below, students are working on the computer to solve their science questions.
Here the boys are making a light circuit.
Below, this group of girls were making magnets.

Mrs. Nowakowski-Grimm's glass celebrated with a "Thanksgiving Writers Coffee House". Students read stories and poems they had been creating over the past several weeks.

In Ms. Atkinson's class, students were using iPads to practice multiplication facts.
OHE celebrated our annuaul Pajama Day. Below is Mrs. Robert's class with their PJ's on.

The OHE PTA honored the staff with pies. Yum! I have never seen so many types of pies!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Last Saturday, many of our 5th grade students attended the Texas Science and Engineering Festival. It was a great weekend field trip and everyone had lots of fun and learned lots of science.

On Tuesday night, parents came to learn how to put together a quality science fair project. At OHE, all students will complete a science fair project. In grades PK-2nd, it will be a class project unless the student wants to complete an independent project as well. 3rd - 5th graders are required to submit an independent project. More information will be forth coming about science fair.

As I walked the kindergarten classes this week, it was great to see the our students active in learning.
Students were:
Making Words

Practicing Reading

And, working on patterns. AB, AAAB,

Friday, November 4, 2011

On November 1st and 2nd, our first graders learned about Dia De los Muertos (Day of the Dead). This is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in many cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to remember friends and family members who have died. Students brought in pictures of loved ones.

What another great Fun Field Day. The weather was a little cool but the students had lots of fun. Thank you Mr. Emerson for the great action shots.

Today the 5th grade students listened to presentations from the Magnet Middle Schools, Kealing, Fulmore, and Ann Richards. If you are interested in the possibility of your child going to a magnet school, please check with your child. They should have received applications. Also remember to start saving work samples. Since teachers return all the work to students, you will need to decide which work samples to submit.

Today was also our first Cafeteria Lunch Bunch. The class per grade level with the best cafeteria behavior gets a reward - popcorn. Each day the cafeteria monitors give Gold Paper Chain links to classes that demonstrate appropriate behavior during lunch. Then at the end of the month, the monitors tally the gold links. The class per grade level with the most win. Today it was Mrs. Lumbreras, Mrs. Fraser, Mrs. Lauri, Mr. Hoover, Mrs. May, Mrs. Juusola, Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Wiley's classes.

Next time your on campus, look at all our new signs. Mrs. Suggs has painted teacher name plates for all the classrooms and room name plates for areas such as the cafeteria, office, computer lab, conference room, nurse, etc. Thanks Geeta!

Once again HEB is honoring the accomplishments of outstanding public schools, teachers, principals, and districts across the state through the HEB Excellence in Education Awards. Anyone can nominate by going online at www.heb.com/education. With such an awesome staff here at OHE, I feel confident there should be lots of nominations.

Don't forget tomorrow is PTA Skating.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

At OHE, we celebrated Halloween in different ways. We began the morning with Ms. Brown leading us in the "Monster Mash".

A tradition at OHE is for the 4th grade students to perform safety skits for the younger students.