Friday, May 10, 2013

The week began with OHE’s Spring Book Fair, the Story Laboratory. The library, with the help of lots of parents, was converted into a laboratory of books!  Because of your support, there was a great turnout every day. 

Tuesday, was Kinder Round-up.  This is when new students register for next year.  Parents watched a video of what a typical Kindergarten day will look like and also received a tour of the school. 

This year everyone MUST register online.  If you haven’t done this, do it now.  Your child will not be on a class roster without registering.  If you need help, call our registar at 414-5141 and she can help. 

Thursday, OHE celebrated Mother’s Day early by hosting a Bring Your Mom to School Day.  While we host three different events (Dad, Grandparent and Mom), we advertise to the guardians, to the children and to the faculty that all are welcome.  We know that not every child has someone in each of those roles.  It provides us an opportunity to explain to other students that there are lots of different types and ways of being a family here at OHE, and the importance of accepting everyone.  We are very clear that the child may bring whomever they wish that day.  As I walked through classes, the day reminded me of how it takes a community to raise a child.  It was great to see Aunts, Dads, Grandparents and neighbors helping.  Many who participated completed activities with several students in the class.  Some even took other children, not just their own, to the book fair.  Thank you to everyone who helps to make this a special event for all students.  We had about 270 visitors that day!
As I have mentioned in previous blogs, OHE has been raising chicks.  This week we finally received our “Candi Caporal” Urban Chicken Coop!  It. Our school has been a-buzz since it was put in.  Thank you Dyan and Monty for supporting OHE.  We are looking for volunteers to help feed and water the chicks over the summer.  Information should be in the next Eagle Eye if you are interested. 

Some of the students participated in the Lunchbox Kids program in PE.  If you would like more information related to this program, ask Mrs. Palmer. It is board games related to the TEKS.  When students answer incorrectly, there is a physical activity they must complete.

Throughout the week, 5th graders took the canned food collected to the Capital Area Food Bank.  They were able to box food for the families in West.  OHE collected over 1,300 pounds of food!  Creating over 1000 lunches for families.  Way to go OHE!


 Today, 5th graders also listened to author, Nikki Loftin.  She is the author of "The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy".

To top of the entire week, it was Teacher Appreciate Week.  Everyday students were bring gifts to their teachers.  Most classrooms turned into florist shops.  The school smelled and looked great.  A coffee bar was provided one day and desserts another. OHE wouldn't be the place it was, if it wasn't for our awesome parents.  Thank you to everyone!!!!