Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wow! What a fun and busy week!

This week sure was full of crazy things! We had crazy hair, crazy costumes, crazy hats, and crazy weather. Here are some awesome pictures from the week: 

On Tuesday this week, second grade had a visit from the fire department and learned about how to be safe in a fire and what the job of a fireman is.
On Wednesday, Ms. Faulkner's class got a special visit and story from State Representative Donna Howard. 

On Thursday, second grade visited Longhorn Caverns to learn about land formations and how the earth changes over time.
Also on Thursday, the fourth grade team visited the Bob Bullock Museum to learn more about Texas History. This is an important part of the 4th grade curriculum. 


On Friday, we started the day with an OHE Halloween tradition, the Monster Mash. 

The Soaring Eagle Singers sang some awesome songs for us and the hip hop club performed a wonderful dance. It was great!
Some of the third grade students made a video to share with the school about Dia de los Muertos "Day of the Dead", an important Mexican tradition. They did such a great job! You can see the video here. Dia de los muertos video

We also celebrated our Empathy winners on Friday. They were seen by their teachers displaying empathy throughout the month of October. We had a lot more students that got their names on the wall. We have such a great group of caring students!
Finally, we ended the week with rain storms, tornado warnings, and puddles galore! It was crazy weather! Rest assured that all students and staff were safe during the storms. We have practiced for this and the campus did a great job. 

You can see more pictures and videos of the fun on the OHE facebook page. Be sure to check it out!

Phew- what a great week! I hope your kids had as much fun as I did!