Sunday, October 4, 2015

October is here! Can you believe that we have already been in school for 6 weeks? October will be a busy month with a lot of enriching and exciting activities. This week the Soaring Eagle Singers began.  It's a great group of students and I look forward to their performances throughout the year.

We also began learning about our Social Emotional Learning  (SEL) word of the month. This month we are learning about the word Empathy and what it means to be empathetic.  Some students from Ms. Bentley's class helped us learn about Empathy during assembly this week.  They are so cute!
Students who are seen being empathetic to others will get their name on the SEL Word Wall in the cafeteria.  

We want all of our students and families to be safe at school, especially when in the parking lots. Please remember that traffic should flow in one direction in the parking lot on the North side of the school. If you drop off on the side of the school, please enter the lot at the second entrance and drive East toward the annex when dropping off.  Please see the picture below for reference. 

Also when dropping off your children, please make sure to drop off at the curb and not in the parking lot where they have to cross in the lot. Once your children have been dropped off, please proceed all the way to the end of the lot by the annex before exiting.  The parking lot spaces should be reserved for staff. If you arrive prior to 7:30, please park on the street (School Rd.) so that the staff can park in the spaces and not be late for their students. 
We appreciate your cooperation to help us make sure that all of our families stay safe.

During the first Principal's coffee of the year, we had a great turnout and an informative presentation from Darla Caughey, SEL facilitator from the district. She presented on the Welcoming Schools program, which is designed to help schools embrace diversity and be inclusive, reduce gender stereotypes, and reduce bias and bullying.  Oak Hill is such a wonderful school and we already work hard at doing all of those things, so being a Welcoming School is a very easy achievement.  If you weren't able to join us this time, we hope to see you next time. 

 I am so proud of the wonderful work we do here and the kindness that everyone is shown on a daily basis. This is the best school in AISD!