Friday, February 3, 2012

This week at OHE was Science Fair Week. Projects were completed by every student in 3rd - 5th grades and by class in the primary grades. The older students presented their projects first to their class. Then all projects were displayed in the cafeteria for viewing.

Students who wanted their projects judged for the Austin Energy Regional Science Fair had the opportunity to discuss their projects with community members. I received great feedback from the students. One students said, "Dr. Mitchell, the first time someone came to me I just blurted all this stuff out. But then when the next person asked me questions, I was prepared".

There were about 300 projects on display and about 85 students wanted their projects judged for AERSF. OHE teachers judged those 85 projects and had to narrow it down to only 17! What a difficult job they had. Here are our winners.