Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Oak Hill Family,

        Since my announcement as OHE principal at the end of May, the weeks have flown by.  I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting the staff and some of the students and parents prior to the last day of school.  Additionally, Mrs. Whistler has been so helpful with my transition.  This week I plan to pack my current office and move to OHE.  Thursday, June 17, is my official start date. However, I have a principal's meeting that day, so hopefully, Friday will be my first full day at Oak Hill.  My replacement in the elementary office has not yet been named, so there might be a few situations I need to address.  
        As you can tell and with help from our webmaster, Geeta Suggs, I now have my own blog site.  I encourage you to register so you can automatically receive my blogs or as usual you can enter through the OHEPTA website and click on principal's blog.  Either way I hope you find my blogs a helpful communication tool and a way to get to know me.  
        There are a couple of items I would like for you to know.  First, the front office space will have a facelift over the summer.  I have decided to move my office to what was the assistant principal's office. I felt like this space was more conducive for meetings and conferences.  Mrs. Whister's office will be converted to Student Services.  The outside walls will have windows, and the inner office wall will become a half wall, allowing for the front doors to be visible to the office staff.  The intent for the changes is not only to increase security, but I also want the opportunity to meet as many parents as possible.  
        I would like to say thank you again to the OHE community.  Everyone has been friendly and welcoming.  I am excited about being part of this family,