I hope that you are settling into the routines of another school year. Although there haven't been too many changes for OHE, we are adjusting as well. There has been a strong emphasis on procedures and expectations. Students have spent lots of time practicing these things so that they become the norm. That way later in the year, we can just move through the day seamlessly.
Everyone has been supportive with the creation of a new class and the over/under crowding of other classrooms. We have already begun to level classes at the campus level. This is where one class at a grade level was over but another class was under the 22 student ratio. Hopefully by Tuesday, I will learn the district's plan regarding the classrooms that can't be resolved in a similar way.
Don't forget that Back-to-School Nights are next week. The teachers are excited about the opportunity to share with you their plans for the year.
Have a great and relaxing holiday weekend.