As I walked into class throughout the week, I continually saw students learning at rigorous levels.
In Mrs. Robert's kindergarten class, students were writing names and determining which names had more letters. The information was recorded on individual student charts. What a great way to combine math and writing skills as well as letter recognition for some students.
Mrs. May's second grade students were practicing creating 3 digit numbers, identifying the place value, and saying them in both English and Spanish. (I had some difficulty with the last part of the tasks. My Spanish wasn't so good past 50)!
As I walked through 5th grade social studies, I was intrigued by the laptops on the students' desk. Students explained to me that they were about to begin a research project on states and they were using the computers to find information.
Also this week, student council elections began for 3rd - 5th grade. This week individual classes elected representatives. From the group of representatives, 4th & 5th grade students can run for office. These positions are President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Representatives must let their teacher know Monday which position, if any, they are running for this year. Then starting Tuesday, students can begin campaigning. Speeches will be delivered Friday morning at 8:00. Good luck!