Friday, August 20, 2010

What an exciting day!  There were lots and lots of students on campus.  Something I have been waiting for all summer. The Eagle Encounter was a huge success and it looked like everyone made it to the classrooms so students could meet their teacher.  

The office remodel is almost complete and hopefully by the end of the school day Monday, the office staff will be back in the front office.

Breakfast is being served Monday starting at 7:10.  Otherwise the doors will open at 7:30 and students will go directly to their classrooms.  Please remember that all kindergarten students riding the bus will now wait in the main cafeteria until 7:30.   Kindergarten students arriving prior to 7:30 by parents will also wait in the main cafeteria.  At that time, they will be walked to the annex.  

I have really enjoyed meeting everyone over the past few days and can tell that this is going to be an exciting year for Oak Hill.  

If you are bored Sunday night, I am throwing the first pitch and receiving the Newspapers In Education Donation at the Round Rock Express Game.  I would love to have your support.

Hope everyone has a great last weekend before school starts and I will see everyone Monday.