It has been quite a busy week here at Oak Hill. The office staff returned on Tuesday and has been busy attending trainings and getting ready for Back-to-School registration next week. They have also had a crash course in their new administrators' expectations, but they are great and eager to do what is needed for Oak Hill. Many teachers have been on campus already getting their rooms ready. Our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. McDonald, returned as well, and has been working on organizing the new textbook adoption for reading. With all the construction, she and I have had to share spaces. All of this "closeness" has helped all of us in the office get to know each other better.
I was able to hire a retired bilingual reading specialist who has lots of experience working within the district and at nearby schools. She will be an asset to our Oak Hill family.
The official word has come and Oak Hill Elementary has earned an EXEMPLARY rating!!! Congratulations are in order for everyone. We will definitely celebrate this accomplishment and work hard to make sure Oak Hill continues to achieve at this level.
The asbestos abatement is complete, and the walls are down. Construction on the remodeling begins Monday. I am confident the new look will be complete by Meet the Teacher! What a difference it already makes. I can look out my office door and see the front porch!