Saturday, August 28, 2010

It has been busy first week of school.  I have enjoyed meeting so many of the students.  Most of my days have been spent in the cafeterias. What amazing lunches the students bring - sushi, brisket, pasta, and homemade tortillas.  The wonderful aromas made my salads look pretty boring.

With fewer students, not quite 800 and 14 less buses, many of the school's procedures have been modified to better accommodate the students, like all students waiting in the main cafeteria prior to 7:30.  I know this has caused some confusion and next week a Back-to-School letter will be sent out explaining the new procedures.  

Friday was our first assembly.  Although a tad crowded, it was great to see all the students.  We will work throughout the week to better organize the students.  Since teachers are not on duty until 7:30, Mrs. McDonald and I are quickly teaching the students the new routines.  On Monday, the seating assignments will change and student will actually sit by teacher name.  We would love to have some parents helping us.  Find me on Monday if you would like to help.  

As I watched the news last night, it indicated there might be rain next week.  Please discuss with your child what to do on rainy days.  If something different happens, send notes to the teacher so that your child is dismissed in the correct place.

If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please let me know.  

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear Oak Hill Parents,

Mrs. McDonald and I have walked through all the classes and your children are doing great!  We didn't notice any tears or unhappy faces - just lots of smiles, even from our new pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students. There was already so much learning going on.  We observed students working on math problems, writing their names, practicing routines, and creating stories.    Hope that helps calm any nerves that you might be having.  Lunch should be starting soon so I am on my way there.  

Friday, August 20, 2010

What an exciting day!  There were lots and lots of students on campus.  Something I have been waiting for all summer. The Eagle Encounter was a huge success and it looked like everyone made it to the classrooms so students could meet their teacher.  

The office remodel is almost complete and hopefully by the end of the school day Monday, the office staff will be back in the front office.

Breakfast is being served Monday starting at 7:10.  Otherwise the doors will open at 7:30 and students will go directly to their classrooms.  Please remember that all kindergarten students riding the bus will now wait in the main cafeteria until 7:30.   Kindergarten students arriving prior to 7:30 by parents will also wait in the main cafeteria.  At that time, they will be walked to the annex.  

I have really enjoyed meeting everyone over the past few days and can tell that this is going to be an exciting year for Oak Hill.  

If you are bored Sunday night, I am throwing the first pitch and receiving the Newspapers In Education Donation at the Round Rock Express Game.  I would love to have your support.

Hope everyone has a great last weekend before school starts and I will see everyone Monday.  

Saturday, August 14, 2010

First let me say thank you to those who spent their Friday night (and anniversary) at the school painting the front office.  Mrs. Arnold-Mirza, The Bensons, The Mittals, The Fultons, Mr. & Mrs. Wiley, Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. McDonald, and Lindsay Castenada all pitched in and the office looks wonderful.  The construction crew is even at the school this morning!  

I would also like to thank Ms. Wells who picked up Oak Hills supplies from the Austin City School Supply Donations.
A couple of reminders about next week:
The school is sending postcards on Tuesday to families identifying teacher names.  You should receive them Wednesday.  That night at 6:00 is "Meet the Administrators", for those who have not met Mrs. McDonald or myself.  Friday from 2:00 - 3:00 is Eagle Encounter.  Then from 3:00- 4:00 is "Meet the Teacher".  Sunday, August 22nd at 6:00, the school is being award a donation for winning the Newspaper in Education Program at the Dell Diamond.  I realize it is the day before school but we would love to have you there.

School starts Monday, August 23rd.  The school doors will open at 7:30 unless you want breakfast which begins at 7:10.  

Can't wait to see all the students!

Friday, August 6, 2010

It has been quite a busy week here at Oak Hill. The office staff returned on Tuesday and has been busy attending trainings and getting ready for Back-to-School registration next week.  They have also had a crash course in their new administrators' expectations, but they are great and eager to do what is needed for Oak Hill.  Many teachers have been on campus already getting their rooms ready.  Our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. McDonald, returned as well, and has been working on organizing the new textbook adoption for reading.  With all the construction, she and I have had to share spaces.  All of this "closeness" has helped all of us in the office get to know each other better. 
I was able to hire a retired bilingual reading specialist who has lots of experience working within the district and at nearby schools.  She will be an asset to our Oak Hill family. 
The official word has come and Oak Hill Elementary has earned an EXEMPLARY rating!!! Congratulations are in order for everyone.  We will definitely celebrate this accomplishment and work hard to make sure Oak Hill continues to achieve at this level.
The asbestos abatement is complete, and the walls are down.  Construction on the remodeling begins Monday.  I am confident the new look will be complete by Meet the Teacher!  What a difference it already makes.  I can look out my office door and see the front porch!