Fall is such an exciting time of year – fun field trips, cooler weather, changing leaf colors, and exciting holidays. Fall is when we build foundations; literally place down roots, put bulbs and transplants in the ground, prepare plants and vegetables for a long winter and their reappearance in the spring. Fall is a time for harvesting and preparing for (re)birth. This same concept is applicable in our classrooms as well.
As a first grade teacher, we spend the first half of the year hammering in phonics, focusing on reading, and preparing our students for a huge growth with the arrival of spring. We create a classroom environment that is safe and nurturing. We help our students with social challenges and encourage them to build friendships with their peers. We teach number knowledge so students can move on to grasp larger math concepts throughout their education. We build the foundations so our children can put down their roots and prepare to blossom, just like our plants in the garden.
I think it is important in every sense to remember our roots. As part of the Gardening Club here at OHE, I’ve seen how important it is for children to have their hands in the dirt and to have something that they can grow and call their own. As a teacher at OHE, I see the same importance in becoming part of a community, a family, a safe place to call “home”. Fall is a time to create new habits, nurture old passions, and pass those on to our children.