Saturday, August 6, 2016

Back to School and Recess

Hope you are all enjoying your last weeks of summer! We are busily prepping the building for the students' return in 2 weeks (First Day is August 22nd!). I just wanted to update you on a few things.

Eagle Encounter/Meet the teacher will be on August 19th from 3:30-5. At 3:30 you can join the PTA, buy school gear and visit with other organizations in the air conditioning in the cafeteria. At 4:00, the doors will open for you to go meet the teachers. You can find out who your child's teacher is on Thursday, Aug 18 at 5:00. Class lists will be posted on the walls of the front porch of the main building for all students. Please note that the school will be closed at that time, so there will not be access to the building for restrooms or water. Please be sure you are subscribed to the Eagle Eye for the most up to date information. Go to our website at and click on the Subscribe button to stay informed!

Did you see the news about extra recess for students in Austin ISD. Here is a link to the news article in the Statesman Recess article  While this change still has to be approved by the board and will not begin until sometime in the fall, this is an exciting change. We will keep you posted about the specifics once we have them and once the recess goes into effect, you will receive a new daily schedule for your child.

Don't forget to log your books for the summer reading challenge. See you soon!