Second grade was very busy in the months of October and November! We had the Austin fire department come out and teach us about fire safety during Fire Safety month. The fireman happened to be Mrs. Bentley's nephew, so we got special treatment. The students got to see the ladder raised up all 30 stories and watched a firefighter climb all the way to the top!
We also had second grade Science Days where the students rotated to all 7 classrooms and learned about balance, force and motion. In each classroom, the students had a hands-on lesson and wrote about what they learned. They made spinners, shot marshmallows, rolled for speed, made zoomers, did a balancing pencil trick and much more. They loved it! Science is definitely a favorite of 2nd graders.
We ended the month by being on KEYE news. Collin Meyers, KEYE meteorologist came to visit and speak to the students about weather. He was an awesome speaker and the kids learned a lot about weather and how to stay safe. We took a selfie with him at the end of the presentation and were on the news that Saturday.
Lots of learning and hands on lessons happening in 2nd grade. The students are fully engaged and loving all the experiences of connecting learning with real life.