Friday, May 8, 2015


Greetings from the annex! 

What a wonderful time of year it is to be in the annex! Spring is here and our 4, 5, and 6 year olds have been learning lots about life and the living world around us! We have been studying life cycles, growing plants in our very own gardens, trying all the wonderful produce they worked so hard to grow, and studying insects too! We have had many opportunities  to ask questions, make predictions, and find out answers to many of life's burning questions. With this, we as teachers have enjoyed the many expected and unexpected teachable moments. We love exploring and learning together!

This month we have had lots of special guests in our rooms to help us understand and explore life cycles and nature. Pre-K has had success hatching/taking care of baby chicks and kindergarten has watched the life-cycles of ladybugs and butterfly as they go from eggs to maturity.  



This year we have some new additions to OHE! My kindergarten class has watched eggs for 28 days and successfully hatched baby quail chicks! We are excited to share pictures and this new adventure with the OHE family! Hopefully we will have a successful quail coop full of quail in the coming years at Oak Hill. 

Mrs. Baxter received a grant for the quail start up, and as a school we will help her to raise quail that can be released into the wild in Bastrop. With the devastating fires that depleted their population a few years ago we are hopeful that we can help to revive their numbers in the coming years. 

With the kindness and hard work of local Boy Scouts, our new baby chicks have a beautiful coop located next to our wonderful chicken coop! Displaying our school colors, it is sure to be a great home for our quail. Our new chicks will not be ready to live outdoors until they are 5 weeks old. (around summer break) If you are around this summer, please volunteer to help out with care of our quail and chickens and don't forget to come by to check it out!