Friday, October 17, 2014

Last week the Gardening Club, started to remove the summer plantings.  Two of the students helped to remove the basil and saved it for me, so that I could make pesto.  They were rewarded this week with pesto for their pasta.  Rebecca and Sophia actually seemed to enjoy it.
Third graders spent some time outside enjoying the wonderful weather and learning about science. 
It is so incredible to see teachers participating with their students.  These teachers are running/walking the track with their class.

Mrs. Lauri..

 Mrs. Cabrera...
 Mrs. Gerber...

Did you know that both the school's website and Eagle Eye have been awarded the Gold-level Award by the Texas PTA?  Thank you Geeta Suggs for your amazing leadership and work with these two sources of information.   

Next week is Bus Driver Appreciation Week.  Please let your bus drivers know how much you appreciate them.