Four of our 3rd grade rooms are currently receiving new floors. Mrs. Grimm, Mrs. Tarpley, Mrs. Peterka, and Mrs. Hunter (Smith) have been patiently avoiding their rooms so this could get done before school starts.
Postcards identifying teacher name will be mailed late Tuesday. Be on the lookout. Don't forget about the Eagle Encounter/Meet the Teacher on the 22nd between 4:00-5:00pm. School supplies will be delivered to each student's class prior to the Eagle Encounter. (If you have supplies that you purchased on your own, please bring them on Friday but do not label any.) We hope this reduces the congestion in the cafeteria. There will still be booths for the Easy Eagle, SOARing, Eagle Gear, Scouts, Banking, and after-school care so do stop by while you are on campus. Remember Meet the Teacher is an informal event and not a time to conference with the teacher about your child. If you would like to conference with the teacher, please schedule another time. Teachers will also ask you how your child will be leaving school the first day, so please have that information ready like the bus name. Parking is quite limited - please be patient. Kona Ice will be here at 4:30 for you to enjoy on your way OUT of the school. Please do not bring Kona Ice into the school.
There are two more Kinder playdates at the annex playground: Saturday at 9am and Tuesday at 9am. This is a great time to bring your child to meet some new friends. Someone from the PTA will be there on Tuesday to answer your questions.
I would also like to thank all the volunteers that helped in the gardens and with the chickens this summer. Our gardens and chickens are doing well!
I look forward to seeing everyone next week. Have a great weekend.