Last Saturday OHE hosted a “Make a Difference Day”. Lots of volunteers came out. Some even came from other cities! What a difference they made. This is the Outdoor Classroom area. You probably didn't even know it was back there
because the brush was so thick around it.
Before the volunteers trimmed the brush...
After the volunteers trimmed the brush!
Even our teachers took the theme of "favorite book character" to a whole new level. Can you guess who they are?
Thursday morning the Soaring Eagles Choir sang pumpkins songs
during our early assembly.
Today was our annual Fun Field Day. It was a perfect day and the students had so
much fun. The format was a little different
this year for the older grades, but I heard nothing but praises from the
students, staff and the many volunteers that came to help. Thank you Mrs. Palmer and Mr. Shaw for an
active, fun day.
Don't forget that the 5th grade is still collecting for UNICEF. So if you haven't brought in your Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF containers, you still can.