Friday, March 27, 2015

Students have started receiving their Silent Auction Items.  

Analia was able to eat lunch with Sgt. Mitchell and her mom.  He learned that she might want to be a detective!

Kindergarten students received their pizza lunch in the Principal's Conference room.  That is a real treat. 

1st grader, Emil, below was our winner for the readathon.  He read the 2,528 pages with a total time of 1,264 minutes.  That is quite impressive.  All in all, the OHE raised $7,674, had 182 student participants and 37 teacher participants.  Mrs. Garcia's class raised the most money with $1,227.  Joshua was almost half of that with $577.  Thank you to all who supported this program. 

This morning Mr. Cumings showcased some of the prizes for tomorrow's Family Fun Run.

 I wonder who will win this awesome bike?!

Then to prepare for tomorrow's Fun Run, students ran in place.  

The weather is finally supposed to be great tomorrow.  So please come join us for the Student Council Clean-Up and Family Fun Run.  

Friday, March 13, 2015

This week we celebrated our annual Kinder Musical.  They gave an amazing performance. 

Another annual tradition has been the 3rd Grade Living Museum.  These third graders researched historical figures and then created projects that gave information about the person. Many third graders even came "looking" like their person. 

Today during assembly, winners were announced for the Read-A-Thon. Joshua G, a 2nd grader, raised the most money of all the students. The winner for the most minutes and most pages read was absent today... we'll let him know after Spring Break. Congratulations to OHE for raising over $7600 for the Read-a-thon. That is fantastic, especially since it is only our first year to participate. Did you know that OHE is the 5th highest school in the fundraiser?

Volunteers worked on the kinder gardens today.  They look great!

Also save the date of March 28th for our Family Fun Run.  It has be rescheduled several times so lets hope the great weather stays.  

I wish each of you a restful spring break with friends and family.  I hope you’ll return on March 23 recharged and ready for the important final months of the 2014-15 school year.

Friday, March 6, 2015

After a really busy week last week, this week seemed pretty normal even with the "bad" weather day.  This morning during assembly we recognized some of our Track Club runners.  The miles for these students have accumulated over the years.  Two of our 4th graders have completed over 100 miles!  Ian reached 100 miles and Campbell has reached 125!  That is just amazing.

Tomorrow is the student council fundraiser at Barnes and Noble off Brodie.  If you get a chance, stop by and purchase a book.

If you haven't paid for your Silent Auction, you should have received an email.  If you have paid and just need to pick-up your item, stop by the office and we can get it for you.

Have a great weekend.