Friday, August 30, 2013

Everyone made it through the first week of school! It was a long week, but we have all survived. As I walked classrooms, students were already busy learning. I already saw students on computers, working on math activities, and engaging each other in critical thinking activities. Teachers spent lots of time setting clear expectations and modeling appropriate procedures. So, I know these activities will continue throughout the school year.

This morning during our first assembly, the winners from our summer reading program were recognized.

I was quite impressed with the number of books read, especially by Mrs. Hamelwright. Congratulation to these fine Eagles, as our individual grade level winners: Kinder – Emil C. read 113 books First – Ella M. read 251 books Second – Haylee T. read 115 books Third – Olivia T. read 60 books Fourth – Tallulah B. read 42 books Fifth – Ashton W. read 38 books Teacher – Mrs. Hamelwright read 40 books Sometime this year, each of the above will work with Ms. Underwood to select a new book for the library. These books will have an acknowledgement of their success in the front of the book. Look for all reading participants names on the “wall of fame” in the cafeteria. Honorable Mention for these first graders who also read more than 100 books: Emma T. read 200 books and John L. read 110 books. Our school goal was to read at least 2500 books over the summer in order to earn additional recess on a day this Fall. The grand total was 2552 books – way to go!

Remember that Monday is a holiday, so we will see you back here Tuesday. Also don’t forget about the Ice Cream Social next Friday. This is always a popular event. Enjoy your long weekend .

Friday, August 23, 2013

Welcome back OHE Eagles!  Hopefully everyone had a great summer and spent their time away from school having fun.  It has been a busy summer here at OHE.  With Extend-a-Care on campus daily and teachers hosting summer camps, there were always students around the campus.  The staff and I spent the past few days together preparing for the upcoming year.  As many of you have heard on the news, OHE was one of only 11 AISD schools to receive all three distinctions for TEA based on our STAAR scores.  We are very excited and proud of the students.   

It was great seeing everyone at Meet the Teacher.  The students were so excited to meet their teachers and put their school supplies in the rooms.  There are lots of people I need to thank that helped make the event happen.  First, obviously is the teachers.  Many came in weeks early or stayed late into the night so that their rooms would be ready.  Second, are parents.  Mrs. Kane came up and decorated all the hallway bulletin boards.  Mrs. Sendera organized the workroom.  Tons of parents came up weekly to water the flowers and feed the chickens.  Mrs. Reaves brought breakfast one day, which was donated by Shane Moe.   Mrs. Floyd, Mrs. Cantu, Mrs. Castaneda, Mrs. Sendera, Mrs. King, Mrs. Latimer, Mrs. Ivie, Mrs. Edwards, and Mrs. Suggs, to name a few, opened all the school supplies and organized them for distribution.   For all the others who helped and I didn’t mention, I apologize.  It takes so many volunteers to help get the school year off to a good start.  Please know that OHE appreciates all the support.  

Have a great last weekend before school starts and we will see you early Monday morning.