I would like to send a special thank you to all of you who helped and supported the OHE PTA Carnival last Friday. It is truly an amazing event for students and families. The event raises lots of money that allows the PTA to support the school is many areas, especially in the area of technology. If you would like to see how the money was spent this year, just check out the website.
Third graders began the week with their “Living Museum”. Students researched different people and created presentations. Many even dressed up as their character. The third graders presented to other students and to parents.
Student Council finished their 3rd service project – The Libraries of Love/Share the Love Project. They teamed up with the Oak Hill Rotary Club to promote literacy at home, here at OHE, and throughout the world, specifically in Uganda, Africa with the Libraries of Love. Not only did their project help those in Uganda, but it also promoted literacy here at OHE, too. The Oak Hill Rotary Club graciously donated Atlases for each and every 5th grader that read to at least 3 people. By doing so, each 5th grader was sharing the love of reading. Each 5th grader earned an Atlas. The Rotary Club is a service organization. At the end of every Rotary Club meeting, the members recite the “4 way test”. And now, at the end of every student council meeting, they recite the “4 way test”. Each OHE student received a pencil from our Oak Hill Rotary Club that has the 4 way test on it. On behalf of the Student Council and the Rotary Club, they would like to thank all of you for participating in our Libraries of Love/Share the Love project. We have raised over $1000 for Uganda! Thanks, Student Council President, Kael S. for allowing me to use your speech!
The 2013 OHE Volleyball Team!
We ended the week with a Student Council Spirit Day – Twin Day.
Our 5th grade teachers....
Some second grade teachers....
Our "
Equivalent fractions" team...
The music duo....
Third grade triplets....
5th grade blue haired quintuplets.....
1st grade twins...
Best flowers.....
Silly friends.....
Our Dual Language trio....
In library this week, students voted for their favorite Dr. Seuss Book. Green Eggs and Ham followed closely by The Lorax were the favorites.
Please have a safe and relaxing Spring Break, and we will see everyone back on the 18th!