Friday, December 21, 2012

The week began with our Choir performing at Central Market and AMD. I received many Raves about
their outstanding performance.

The choir celebrated by learning several line dances and just enjoying themselves.
Even Ms. Brown got in on the action.

The OHE Student Council gave back this season by identifying OHE families that needed support during the holiday season.  Twelve families were served through the Giving Tree.  With the help of the Oak Hill Rotary, student council representatives wrapped all the gifts and placed them under the tree.  As the families came to receive their gifts, they were so appreciative.

For the students that will be attending Clint Small Middle School next year, the music department gave a “tour” of the different types of musical opportunities they can select in middle school.  Below is a previous OHE Student Council President, playing the Cello or Bass.  I am not sure which one, but he was great!

Then of course, winter parties.  This is a time when homeroom parents through a party for the students in the class.  I saw some unique and fun activities.  I might even try a few of the activities with my nieces and nephews. 

I wish each of you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.  See you in 2013!

Friday, December 14, 2012

As many of you noticed, I haven't been on campus much this week. Tuesday, I had surgery on my shoulder to remove a calcium deposit. I'll be back at school next week. Since I was home, I was able to watch the tragedy in Connecticut unfold. 

I thought this might be a good time to share with our OHE families what safety measures are in place for our campus. The first safety measure is that all of our exterior doors are kept locked, and all visitors report directly to the office so that a badge may be issued. Also, ID's are checked through the district's Raptor program. This system identifies individuals with certain criminal records. If the system identifies a person, the office staff has specific procedures to follow. 

If an unwanted visitor does come on campus, the campus would go into "lockdown" mode. Just like with fire drills, this is something that is practiced throughout the year. In fact, we had one last week. 

As you can imagine, being married to a police officer, safety is a priority. Every time I see something on the news, I evaluate if the system in place at OHE would have worked. For example, after the fire in Oak Hill last year, I immediately returned and assessed the system we had in place. I decided it needed to be tweaked and I shared the changes with the staff. 

Obviously, we can't practice every emergency situation. But I do feel the systems we have in place, put student safety first.

If you have specific questions related to safety procedures, please don't hesitate to ask. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Last weekend the OHE Lego Robotic teams competed.  Three of the five teams are moving to the next level .  I am very proud of their work and for the parents that have helped the teams move to this level.

The OHE student council officers were invited the monthly Oak Hill Rotary meeting.   Each student was allowed a 'few words'.  They did an outstanding job representing OHE.

Next week was supposed to be my monthly Principal’s Coffee, but I need to cancel it.  The next Principal’s Coffee will be January 25th.