Friday was Student Council Tie Day. It was fun to see all the different ties.
This year at OHE teachers have had the opportunity to use a day to plan. We call it a PLC - Professional Learning Community. Part of the reason it has been successful is due to our substitute teachers. Many of whom have been past OHE teachers and substituting for OHE for many years. It is great to walk classrooms with substitutes and still see rigorous learning happening. Below is Ms. Schorr,
Ms. Fritsch,
and Mrs. Ledbetter.
February 29th at 8:00 is my next Principal's Coffee. I will be sharing the Dual Language Program that OHE will offer to students next year. Please come and learn more about the program.
As you have seen in my blogs, OHE celebrated "No Name Calling" week by creating projects using technology. The projects are being posted to our website for your viewing (As long as everyone in the project had permission for it to be posted).
Lastly, next week is carnival week! If you haven't signed up to volunteer, please do. Information is available on our website.