Friday, December 21, 2012

The week began with our Choir performing at Central Market and AMD. I received many Raves about
their outstanding performance.

The choir celebrated by learning several line dances and just enjoying themselves.
Even Ms. Brown got in on the action.

The OHE Student Council gave back this season by identifying OHE families that needed support during the holiday season.  Twelve families were served through the Giving Tree.  With the help of the Oak Hill Rotary, student council representatives wrapped all the gifts and placed them under the tree.  As the families came to receive their gifts, they were so appreciative.

For the students that will be attending Clint Small Middle School next year, the music department gave a “tour” of the different types of musical opportunities they can select in middle school.  Below is a previous OHE Student Council President, playing the Cello or Bass.  I am not sure which one, but he was great!

Then of course, winter parties.  This is a time when homeroom parents through a party for the students in the class.  I saw some unique and fun activities.  I might even try a few of the activities with my nieces and nephews. 

I wish each of you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.  See you in 2013!

Friday, December 14, 2012

As many of you noticed, I haven't been on campus much this week. Tuesday, I had surgery on my shoulder to remove a calcium deposit. I'll be back at school next week. Since I was home, I was able to watch the tragedy in Connecticut unfold. 

I thought this might be a good time to share with our OHE families what safety measures are in place for our campus. The first safety measure is that all of our exterior doors are kept locked, and all visitors report directly to the office so that a badge may be issued. Also, ID's are checked through the district's Raptor program. This system identifies individuals with certain criminal records. If the system identifies a person, the office staff has specific procedures to follow. 

If an unwanted visitor does come on campus, the campus would go into "lockdown" mode. Just like with fire drills, this is something that is practiced throughout the year. In fact, we had one last week. 

As you can imagine, being married to a police officer, safety is a priority. Every time I see something on the news, I evaluate if the system in place at OHE would have worked. For example, after the fire in Oak Hill last year, I immediately returned and assessed the system we had in place. I decided it needed to be tweaked and I shared the changes with the staff. 

Obviously, we can't practice every emergency situation. But I do feel the systems we have in place, put student safety first.

If you have specific questions related to safety procedures, please don't hesitate to ask. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Last weekend the OHE Lego Robotic teams competed.  Three of the five teams are moving to the next level .  I am very proud of their work and for the parents that have helped the teams move to this level.

The OHE student council officers were invited the monthly Oak Hill Rotary meeting.   Each student was allowed a 'few words'.  They did an outstanding job representing OHE.

Next week was supposed to be my monthly Principal’s Coffee, but I need to cancel it.  The next Principal’s Coffee will be January 25th. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Even though it was a busy week with benchmark testing in grades third, fourth, and fifth, it didn’t stop us from providing other learning opportunities for our students.
Second grade students went to Zachary Scott theater while our first graders went to the Austin Children’s Museum. 

 OHE kicked off book fair week by inviting grandparents to come and share the occasion.  About 180 grandparents participated, many coming from long distances.  Several grandparents specifically came to me just to say “thank you” for inviting them to our school.   This was our first time with this event, and it will definitely be a tradition we continue to have through the years.

Tuesday was our big Book Fair Extravagance Family Night.  The choir performed, student council provided hot chocolate, and pizza could be purchased from Stony’s Pizza truck.  Santa even made an appearance with this tap dancing elf, Matthew.  Matthew collected over $70 in tips and donated all the money to the student council!  Thank you, Matthew.

Today 5th graders were invited to tour the Erwin Center and to watch the Lady Longhorns basketball team. From the pictures, it appears they had lots of fun and the Lady Horns won by over 40 points!

Tomorrow the OHE Lego Robotics Teams are competing.  Teams, we wish them the best of luck.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I know each week I say, "How in the world do we fit so much into one week!"  But this was just a two day week, and yet it was packed with excitement.

The first graders gave two performances for their Thanksgiving Muscial.  They did a great job memorizing lines and singing songs.  The students in our Dual Language classes even gave their lines in Spanish! 

To kick-off bookfair when we returned, the students had a special treat.  The UT drumline performed!  Wow, what a show.  The students and staff (especially Mrs. Faulkner) were so excited.  There was dancing all around the cafeteria. 
A huge "shout out" goes to Ms. Ashorn who helped organize the event.  (Her son is one of the drummers.)
It was also our annual PJ day.  Have you begun to notice OHE has lots of traditions?  Those traditions definitely make it a fun place to work.
Mrs. Grimm's class hosted a Writer's Coffee this morning for their parents.  Students read their stories in front of their parents just like in a real coffee house.
Another tradition we celebrate the day before Thanksgiving, is PTA "Pies for Teachers".  OHE is so blessed to have parents that continoulsy think about us and are so supportive!  Everyone here at OHE wishes each of you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.  I selected a pumpkin pie and can't wait to have a slice.

Happy Thanksgiving! 
Don't forget Monday is Grandparents Day.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Last Saturday at the UT game, OHE was recognized as the KAB HEB Coca  Cola Recycling Rookie of the Year. The Gardening club received a $250 grant. Mr. Cumings and Brandis represented OHE and the Gardening club during a pre-game ceremony.
Mr. Cumings and Brandis are down on the end proudfully wearing their OHE shirt in the mist of all that orange. 
Even though Monday was a student holiday, Girl Scout Troop 2217 contributed to OHE by picking up trash around the school.  Thank you Troop 2217!
First and Second graders had the opportunity to watch theater students from Bowie High School.  The Alphabet Adventure was performed for the 1st graders, and the 2nd graders watched Oz.  The Bowie students gave a fabulous performance!  Thank you, Bowie!

Tuesday night, AISD hosted the State of the District Address.  The event showcased bands, cheerleaders, dance teams, ROTCs, and more from all the middle and high schools.  Elementary students who were part of the All City Choir and/or made all As and 4s while having perfect attendance last year were also recognized.  Below is a picture of OHE’s All City Choir Students.

It was amazing to see all the schools come together and perform. 
Tonight we celebrate our First “Our World, Our School” event.  It was a time to learn and celebrate the different cultures that make-up the community here at OHE.  There was dancing, singing, and food!  Thank you to Mrs. Coleman and her team for organizing such an amazing event. 

When we return from Thanksgiving Break, we start assessing our 3rd – 5th grade students on round one of Middle of the Year (MOY I) benchmarks.  These assessments with cover reading and math for each grade level, science for both 4th and 5th grades, and writing for 4th.  We try to make these as similar to the STAAR as possible so that students will be prepared, especially the 3rd graders since it will be their first time. Please check the website to know the exact dates the test will be given this year.
Remember that next week is just a two day week.  We have assembly on Tuesday and we come all wearing our PJs!  Another one of OHE's great traditions.  Have a great weekend, and I hope you don't get stuck in all the "race" traffic. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

One of the many projects students can complete at OHE, is the Reflection Project. Each year the National PTA chooses a theme. This year it was “The Magic of a Moment”. Students could submit a project or projects using different forms like a picture, story, or dance. All the projects were displayed in the cafeteria so that all students could view them. Many students received Honorable Mention, while others were chosen to advance to the next level. All the students did a great job, and I wish those moving forward lots of luck!

During assembly this morning, we were reminded of why Monday is a holiday.  It is a time to celebrate our Veterans.  The choir performed and our story teller, “Ms. Jodi”, played the piano.  It was a great way to honor those who have sacrificed so much. 

It was also Student Council Crazy Hair Day!  So as you look at the pictures and see students with some outrageous hair, you’ll know why.  There were some very creative styles.

Next Friday, is our first One School, One World Celebration.  If you would like to have a booth, check out the website for more information.  Even if you don’t want to a booth, just come and participate.  It should be a great night to learn about lots of different customs from our families at OHE.

Remember there is no school on Monday.  Have a great 3-day weekend!