A couple of weeks ago, the Lego Robotic team competed in a tournament. It was the school’s first competition and although the teams didn’t advance, the scores were quite impressive. A big thank you to Dr. Becher and Mrs. Suggs for their support of the program.
Eventhough it was a short week, rigorous learning was still happening! In Mr. Cumings' class, students had to complete several different science experience. Below, students are working on the computer to solve their science questions.Here the boys are making a light circuit.
Below, this group of girls were making magnets.
Mrs. Nowakowski-Grimm's glass celebrated with a "Thanksgiving Writers Coffee House". Students read stories and poems they had been creating over the past several weeks.
In Ms. Atkinson's class, students were using iPads to practice multiplication facts.
OHE celebrated our annuaul Pajama Day. Below is Mrs. Robert's class with their PJ's on.
The OHE PTA honored the staff with pies. Yum! I have never seen so many types of pies!