Starting on Monday, OHE will continue with our annual UNICEF fund raiser. As part of Oak Hill's 15 year tradition, the fifth grade class passes out the UNICEF boxes to each student in the school. The 5th grade students give a brief presentation about the importance of helping others, especially other children. For the last five years, Oak Hill has raised over $1,500 to help needy children around the world. You child should have received their UNICEF boxes today. Please fill with coins and return.
I know that I always say exciting things happen at OHE, but it is really true, especially during our Friday assemblies. Today the OHE choir made their first school performance and sang several songs. With the last game of the World Series tonight, I thought it only appropriate to share the following song.
Also during assembly, an appearance was made by our "OHE" skaters. It was a way to encourage students to sign-in up for the PTA Skate event November 5th. If you watch all the way to the end, you might even catch a glimpse of me. I was really scared of falling and hung tightly to Mrs. Barre.
After all the excitement from assembly, the Oak Hill Rotary made their annual presentation of dictionaries and thesauri to the 3rd and 4th graders. A tradition that has been around for many years.
Then during my daily trip to the cafeteria to see how lunch was going for students, I caught a glimpse of the following sandwich.
The things Moms (and maybe Dads) do to make their children smile. What a clever idea!
Remember that even though Monday is Halloween costumes are not appropriate for school. It was be a regular day as will Tuesday. At least as normal as we can make a day after Halloween.