Friday, August 26, 2011

Wow, what an awesome first week of school.  It began with Ms. Underwood receiving a $500 check for our Newspapers in Education Program.  Way to go 4th graders for helping us earn this money.  The money will be used for library books.

 OHE has the most amazing teachers.  As I walked classrooms this week, there was already such quality learning happening and everyone seemed to get back into the school mode well. 

Mr. Cuming's class was discussing math concepts.  
 Mrs. Alonzo was reading to her students.
 Ms. Osio's class was reviewing place value.
 And even our kindergartners transitioned well to the "Big" cafeteria for lunch!
 Since it was too hot to run the track, hula hops were brought out. 
I hope all you had a great first week like we did.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What a wonderful first day.  Everything seemed to go smoothly for us even with a new line order in the cafeteria.  I hope it did for you as well.  It was great seeing all the students back in the building.  It is very lonely without them here.
I didn't see too many tears from our new kindergartners - maybe a few from their parents?  I know tomorrow will be easier for you. 

Stay tuned for more pictures.  I will try and take some each day.  Check with your friends and make sure they are getting my blog. 

Welcome back, and I look forward to another outstanding year here at OHE!