Sunday, January 30, 2011

I would like to take this opportunity to announce OHE’s 2011 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Lucy May.  Currently Mrs. May is a 2nd grade bilingual teacher and also mentors other bilingual teachers in the district.  At morning assembly on Friday, we honored Mrs. May with a beautiful flower arrangement.  We are so proud of her and the work she does everyday with your children! Next time you are on campus and see Mrs. May tell her congratulations.  We wish her the best of luck at the next level.

Last semester OHE offered an after school computer class called Scratch.  Scratch is a simplified programming language suitable for students interested in learning the basics of computer programming.  Students create their own interactive programs by learning how to snap together visual programming blocks to control images, music, and sound. The program is being extended for the spring semester. Scratch Club I is for to 3rd - 5th graders with no previous programming experience.  Scratch Club II is for 3rd - 5th graders who were previously in Scratch Club I.  Both clubs will meet on Thursday after school from 2:45 - 4:00 and will run for nine weeks (February 10, 17, 24, March 3, 10, 24, 31, April 7).  Sign-up forms are in the front office and the deadline is February 4th.
Sixth grade choice sheets will be given to our 5th graders this week.  Both O'Henry and Clint Small will be on campus Tuesday explaining the process to our students.  Please feel free to attend.  Then on Friday, Mrs. Taylor, the Small principal will visit my monthly coffee talk at 9:00 for any 5th grade parent that has questions or just wants to meet her.

Also on Friday, one of our corporate sponsors, Chick-fil-A, will be on campus with their new spicy chicken biscuit breakfast sandwich for parents and staff.  Come have breakfast, sign-up for Scratch, and stay for my principal's coffee.

Earlier this month, someone researching school administrators and why they use blogs contacted me. The researcher wanted to know what my reason for blogging was.  If you would like to know my response, you can see it here.

Have a great week!

Friday, January 14, 2011

 The percussionist demonstrating tambourines.
 Mrs.Robert's kindergarten class really enjoyed the music by moving to the beat!
A percussionist from the Austin Symphony Orchestra was on campus today and held performances for our Pre-Kindergarten through 3rd grade students.  He discussed several different percussion instruments and explained how sound was created for each.  Then he would play each instrument and students were able to listen to the unique sounds each created.  The students were excited and interacted with the music. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

 The OHE students had a wonderful opportunity today to see the Ft. Worth Opera.  The five member crew performed "The Three Billy Goats Gruff."  Not only was it an outstanding opera performance, but it also was a lesson on bullies. Thank you to our benefactor for bringing the production to OHE!  
Tutoring has begun for students in 3rd - 5th grades.  Tutoring is offered to students based on their MOY benchmark results.  If you have questions, please speak with your child's teacher.

Starting next week, spring GT testing will take place.  A person from the GT office will test the kindergarten students either on January 18th or 19th, Mrs. McDonald and I will test 1st and 2nd graders, while Mrs. Baxter test 3rd - 5th grade students.  Due to scheduling conflicts, there isn't a specific time these will occur.  So please if your child was nominated, discuss with them that testing will occur.

This is another reminder to please label coats, gloves, hats, etc.  Our "lost and found" has become quite large.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Welcome Back!

The 2011 has started smoothly.  It was great to see all the students back and it appeared most were excited to return and share what they did over the holidays.  There were only a few tears (and those were from teachers).

Today students will be bringing report cards home. After some confusion the first nine weeks about which rewards students were to receive, we have decided on the following:  
Attendance Ribbons                                        
(Zero Absences)                                
PK - 5th grade                                                                        
Citizenship Ribbons                                        
(4s on the personal development side of report card)
1st - 5th grade        
(All As or 4s)
1st - 5th grades

Many of you have already seen the new lanes for morning drop off in the back parking lot.  This will start officially Monday.  At the back gate along the sidewalk, there will be 5th grade greeters helping students.  Cones will be placed at the first entrance (where the buses enter) blocking this as an entrance therefore the second opening will be both an entrance and exit.  All of the other drop offs (front circle drive and annex) will remain the same.  This is just an additional place to drop off students in the morning.

Also this week for some 3rd - 5th grade parents, permission slips for tutoring are being sent home.  We are offering tutoring classes for any student who is not performing satisfactory on the MOY benchmark test given in December.  Some of the tutoring classes are during the day and some are after school.  If you do not receive a letter, your child performed well on the MOY benchmarks.  If you would like to know how your child did, please contact the teacher.  

The student council has created a "Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey" day for Friday.  So lets all celebrate our favorite team.

Friday is also my Principal's Coffee.  Hope to see you there.