Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dear OHE Families,

It has been so wonderful being here at OHE.  I have truly loved being back on a campus and interacting with everyone.  It has been a steep learning curve but it seems to be smoothing out.  This week, Peggye and I sat down to look over some data and I actually recognized student names and knew what classes they were in!  As I walked campus these past few days, observing all the parents helping in the classrooms was wonderful.  

Being new to the community, I wasn't quite sure how this season was celebrated.  But I have been quite impressed with how many traditions and celebrations are taught.  OHE students will understand how other cultures celebrate this time of year or if they celebrate anything at all. Which is great considering the diversity of this campus.

Thank you to all for helping me feel so comfortable and in teaching me the OHE traditions as well as supporting me with new initiatives. I  look forward to continuing our work in the spring.

 I wish each of you a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, and/or other holiday celebrations.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thank you PTA for the updated safety vest for our 5th graders!  This is just one example of something Projects and Goals has bought already for the school.  Check out the website to learn more about what has been purchased.

Parents with the cooler weather already upon us it would be helpful if your child's name was attached to coats, hats, gloves, etc.  The "lost and found" has increased. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

OHE Parents,

I just wanted to let you know that Mrs. McDonald is out for a couple of days and Mrs. Horne, a retired principal is substituting for her.  So if you see her walking around, you will know who she is and what is doing on campus.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

For those who haven’t noticed, the sandboxes now have fresh sand and the playgrounds have been re-mulched.  Also, next time you enter through the front of the building, notice the new light covers.  These are just a few of the items that were mentioned to me when I arrived that needed work.  I am still working on painting the outside.  Those work orders are taking a little more time but still in the works.

With so many students taking Middle of the Year Benchmarks, the student council decided we should have a crazy hair day. The student on the left was very creative- DVDs, pens, how many items are in there? If you don't recognize the person in the next picture with pigtails, that is Mr. Cumings. Lastly, I am not sure how she did this but there is a cup inside of all that hair.  

I heard Santa pictures had a huge turn out on Saturday even with the parking lots being painted.  Also if you would like to participate in our Angel Tree, please stop by the front office.