Monday, November 29, 2010

The 5th graders just finished visiting the Mobile Planetarium.  This is an excellent opportunity for our students to share what they have already learned as well see actual pictures of planets, stars and the moon.  The students were able to see the next moon phase and when the next lunar eclipse will be, so ask them.  

I also visited all 4th and 5th grade classes to observe how they were doing on their MOY test.  Students appeared focused and I saw lots of great strategies being implemented.  I am sure the results from these benchmarks will be fabulous.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What a fun day at OHE!  Science Fair awards, pajama day, 2nd grade science act, and more.

I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and know that I am truly thankful to be the principal at OHE!  It is so great to be back on a campus. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Last week was a very busy week here at OHE, which is why I forgot so blog.  Luckily, my mom reminded me this weekend.  She thinks we are doing really great things here at OHE.

We had our first school-wide science fair.  Student participation was excellent.  Individuals, groups, and class projects were submitted.  About 350 projects were submitted and even one of our 4 year-olds submitted an independent project.  Community volunteers helped judged. One judge stated, “I was enlightened to see the amount of projects that the school had and impressed by the quality of projects”.  The awards ceremony is tomorrow for those students earning 1st and 2nd place. 

The gardening committee continued their work in the front of the school.  What a difference it has made.  Thank you to all the gardeners.

Also last week, the library was transformed for the upcoming book fair.  It is quite impressive to see so many books available for all ages and different languages. 

Tomorrow everyone wears pjs.  I will do my best to send pictures.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

 Aren't we glad Fun Field Day was changed!  These two days have been perfect.  Fun Field Days here at OHE are designed around CATCH.  Students played "Climb on Top of Your Stress", "Vitamin Booster" like in the picture above.  Below, the students are playing "Nutrition Shopping", while others played "Hop to Good Health", and Blood Carries the Nutrients". 
 Using big foot walkers,  the students practiced how their "Heart and Lungs Work Together".
 Also last night, students who participated in the PTA Reflections project were presented their awards.  I was very impressed with the creativity of all the projects.  I am sure some of our students will win at the next level as well.
In addition to everything else happening yesterday, I saw many of you at Craig O's for Spirit Night.  Thank you all for supporting Oak Hill in such a variety of ways.  If it wasn't for all our volunteers, Fun Field Day, Reflections, and Spirit Nights wouldn't be successful.  Thank you!